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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2005   View pdf image (33K)
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The Attorney-General, to whom all Bills are submitted for
official ruling as to their constitutionality and validity, has
given me the following opinion on this Bill:

"This Bill undertakes to provide that no licenses shall
be issued by the Clerk of the Court in Anne Arundel
County unless certain taxes have been paid. I believe
the Bill is probably all right, but you will note that the
new matter referring to Anne Arundel County follows
the following language in the present law: 'All licenses
granted or issued by said Clerks shall expire the first
day of May next thereafter, except licenses for fisheries
and horse racing'. The Bill then provides that 'no such
license shall be issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Anne Arundel County * * * '. It might be contended
that the provision regarding Anne Arundel County only
applies to licenses for fisheries and horse racing. Such
a construction would destroy the purpose of the Bill
and I believe the matter should be called to the attention
of the Anne Arundel County Delegation and in my opin-
ion it would be better to have the Bill re-enacted in
proper form. "


February 17, 1943.
The President of the Senate,
Maryland State Legislature,
State House,
Annapolis, Maryland.

Dear Sir:

I am returning, without approval, Chapter No. 15 (Senate
Bill 24), entitled:

aAn Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Section 22 of Article 64A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1939 Edition), title 'Merit System7, as said
section was amended by Chapter 866 of the Acts of 1941,
relating to vacation and sick leave. "

I favor the purpose of this Bill but, after consultation with
the heads of State Departments, believe that it might be
amended so that consideration might be given to an alternative
provision which will permit departments, with available funds,
to pay their employees for working periods which are taken
from their unused vacations or weekly leaves.

The Department of Correction feels that the present Bill
if signed, while meritorious itself, will aggravate the present


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 2005   View pdf image (33K)
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