NO. 10.
(House Joint Resolution 14)
A Joint Resolution endorsing and requesting the enactment
of United States Senate Bill No. 450, dealing with the
re-imbursement of State Accident Funds and other insur-
ance carriers for payments on account of war injuries and
WHEREAS, Senator Claude Pepper has introduced in the
United States Senate a bill, known as Senate Bill No. 450?
which undertakes, among other matters, to reimburse work-
men's compensation funds, insurance carriers and employers
for all payments made by them under law for the benefit of
person sustaining war injuries or death from war injuries; and
WHEREAS, an enemy air raid upon the Baltimore area,
packed as it is with tremendous numbers of defense plants
and war workers, might well cause injuries and deaths in
catastrophic numbers, and, as a result, in the absence of Fed-
eral assistance, imperil the financial structure not only of
self-insured employers, and insurance companies, but also of
the State Accident Fund of Maryland upon which the welfare
of so many employees depends; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting that the United States Congress be
apprised of the vital concern of the General Assembly of Mary-
land for the enactment of the principles of the United States
Senate Bill No. 450; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
General Assembly of Maryland hereby endorses the aforesaid
United States Senate Bill No. 450 in principle, and urges the
Congress of the United. States to enact that, or a substantially
similar bill, for the protection of the financial structure of
workmen's compensation funds or of other insurers established
for the benefit of workmen; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be dispatched, under
the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, by the Secretary of
State to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House of the United States Congress, and to the Senators and
Representatives from Maryland.
Approved May 7, 1943.