SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Council is au-
thorized and empowered to employ such persons as may be
necessary for the performance 6f its duties, and in the exer-
cise of its powers, engineering, clerical or otherwise, and pay
the compensation and incur the necessary expense therefor
within the limits of the funds provided for the said Council.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Council is here-
by authorized and empowered to use any funds that may be
appropriated in the budget, or that may be otherwise made
available to it, and to accept any funds provided by the United
States Government, or any agency thereof, in order to fulfill
its functions and carry out the purposes of this Act.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That any money appro-
priated by the State for the use of commissions created for the
purpose of surveys and any other money which may be made
available by the Governor or the Board of Public Works for
the use of the Council shall be payable by warrant of the
Comptroller on vouchers certified or approved by the Chairman
of the Council, provided that none of the monies which may
be appropriated for the use of the Council, except those defi-
nitely allocated for administration expenses, shall be paid
out unless a majority of the members of the Council shall au-
thorize such payment by resolution.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1, 1943.
Approved May 4, 1943.
(House Bill 747)
AN ACT to repeal Sections 64, 65 and 65A of Article 2B of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Alcoholic Bever-
ages", sub-title "County Dispensaries", and to enact in lieu
thereof three new sections, said sections to be known as
Sections 64, 65 and 65A of said Article, relating to the
Liquor Control Board of Montgomery County, its appoint-
ment powers, duties and privileges, and to the licensing and
sale of said alcoholic beverages and the disposition of cer-
tain proceeds thereof, and to the power of the County Com-
missioners and the Liquor Control Board to borrow money
for certain purposes, and establishing the terms and sal-
aries of the members of said Board.
(Vetoed. )