1632 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cti. 959
Lutheran Association of the Augsburg Home for Orphans
and Aged of Baltimore City, recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 5351, folio
591, etc., concerning the property 1327 Ramsay Street.
32. To deed of the property 706 Walnut Avenue from
Clayton W. Bordley, Inc., to the Trustees of the Presbytery
of Baltimore by deed recorded November 26th, 1941, in
Liber M. L. P. No. 6246, folio 578 of the Land Records of
Baltimore City.
33. To deed of the property known as 405 N. Patterson
Park Avenue to Martin Luther English Evangelical Luther-
an Congregation from Elizabeth E. Freitag under date of
October 6, 1942, and recorded on October 7, 1942, among
the land records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. 6376,
folio 500.
34. To deed from the City Real Estate Company to
Board of Deaconess Work of the United Lutheran Church
in America, dated April 2.5, 1941, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6154,
folio 373.
35. To deed from The Macht Company to Board of Dea-
coness Work of the United Lutheran Church in America,
dated May 31, 1941, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6180, folio 77.
36. To deed from Key Realty Corporation to Evangeli-
cal Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, dated October 9,
1941, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6225, folio 314.
37. To deed from The Frank Novak Realty Company to
The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Unal-
tered Augsburg Confession of Baltimore City, dated March
12, T942, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6288, folio 127.
38. To devises contained in the Last Will and Testament
of Emily H. Taft, late of Cambridge, Massachusetts (an au-
thenticated copy of whose will is of record in the office of
the Register of Wills for Baltimore City in Wills, Liber
J. H. B. No. 201, folio 363) ;
(a) To the General Convention of the New Jeru-
salem in the United States of America;