Maryland, and James M. Crockett, one of the Associate
Judges of the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland, they
having become unable to discharge their duties with
efficiency by reason of continued illness.
Whereas, Benjamin A. Johnson was elected and has been
the Chief Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland
since the 17th day of December, 1934, and has served in
that capacity with distinguished ability up to the present
time and now is prevented by ill health from effectively
serving the remainder of his term on the Bench; and
Whereas, James M. Crockett was elected and has been
an Associate Judge of the First Judicial Circuit of Mary-
land since the 1st day of December, 1934, and has served
in that capacity with distinguished ability up to the present
time and now is prevented by ill health from effectively
serving the remainder of his term on the Bench; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, two-thirds of the members of each House con-
curring, and with the approval of the Governor of the
State, that Judges Benjamin A. Johnson, Chief Judge of
the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland, and James M.
Crockett, one of the Associate Judges of said Circuit, who
have by reason of continued illness become unable to dis-
charge the duties of their said offices with efficiency, be
and they are hereby retired from their said respective
offices as Judge upon condition, however, that the said
Judges shall each receive annual payment or salary of
eight thousand five hundred dollars ($8, 500. 00) (as pro-
vided for in the Budget, for the remainder of the terms
to which they were elected, as hereinbefore set forth. Upon
the expirations of their respective terms, each of said
Judges shall be entitled to the benefits of the law of this
State then governing the payment of pensions to retired
Judges who have served fifteen years, and shall be paid
such pensions in accordance with the terms and provisions
of said law when they attain the age provided in said law
for the payment of judicial pensions.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act
shall be declared an emergency law and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety,
and being passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by
three-fifths of all the members elected to each of the two
Houses of the General Assembly, the same shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved May 6, 1943.