whose release from prison will not be contrary to the pub-
lic interest. "Conditional release, " as used in this Act,
shall mean a conditional commutation of sentence, a con-
ditional pardon or a parole, as the case may be.
Upon the receipt of such request from the Governor, the
Director of Parole and Probation shall obtain from the
Department of Correction, the names of such prison-
ers confined in the State penal institutions as it
may deem suitable and qualified for such employment;
and thereafter said Director shall recommend to the
Governor the release by parole, conditional commuta-
tion or conditional pardon of such of said prisoners as he
may find worthy of clemency and qualified to perform such
labor, on such conditions as the Director may deem proper.
To aid in the proper selection and placement of such pris-
oners said Director shall, with the approval of the Gov-
ernor, adopt such policies, procedure and standards as may
be necessary.
Whenever the Governor, acting upon the recommenda-
tion of said Director, shall grant a conditional release to
any of such prisoners, he shall deliver to said Director a
written order which shall be to him and to the Warden of
the institution authority for the release of such prisoner.
Upon receiving such order from the Governor said Director
shall arrange for the placement of such released prisoner
at work wherever his services may be most needed and in
making such placement may, whenever feasible, utilize
the facilities of the United States Employment Service and
of the County Agricultural Agents so that such place-
ments may be made on a fair and impartial basis. The
terms of such employment shall be mutually agreed upon
by the employer and the prisoner before the release of such
prisoner from the institution, and shall be subject to the
approval of the said Director or his agent. Every prisoner
granted a conditional release under this Act shall be and
remain under the supervision of said Director of Parole
and Probation as provided in the Order of conditional re-
lease; and any such prisoner may be returned to the penal
institution by cancellation of the parole, conditional com-
mutation or conditional pardon issued if such prisoner is,
for any reason, found unsuitable for performing the duties
of his position or whenever his services are no longer re-
quired. Such prisoner shall be considered as having con-
tinued serving his sentence during such period of condi-
tional release, and shall be entitled to such deductions from
his period of confinement as he would have earned had he
been working within the penal institution. In order to
thus return such prisoner found unsuitable, it shall not be
necessary to provide a hearing or establish any record of