misconduct. Violations of the terms of conditional release*
shall be handled as provided by law.
"Farm labor, " as used in this Act shall mean the work
of rendering any agricultural service, including the culti-
vating, threshing or harvesting of crops and the production
or processing of any agricultural, horticultural, vegetable
or fruit product of the soil, livestock, meats, marine food
products, tobacco, poultry, eggs, dairy products, wool, nuts,
honey and every product of farm, forest, garden, orchard
or water, and any such services as are generally regarded
as incidental to and connected with farms, dairies, food
processing, canning and the seafood industry.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 1 of
this Act shall be deemed an exercise of the police powers
of the State for the safety and well-being of its people dur-
ing the effective period of this Act and all its provisions
shall be liberally construed for the attainment of those
ends, it being intended that the powers herein conferred
shall be in furtherance and not in limitation of the power
and authority vested in the Governor and the Director
of Parole and Probation under the Constitution and laws
of this State.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, upon notification
by the Governor that sufficient labor is not available to plant,
cultivate or harvest any of the agricultural crops produced
on farms in Maryland, the Board of Correction shall have the
authority and power, in its discretion,, and upon such terms
and conditions as it may deem proper, to place prisoners at
labor upon farms in the State, and persons who employ such
prisoners from the Board of Correction shall be required to
pay a reasonable value of such labor at the estimated average
in the community where the prisoners are so employed and to
give such security therefor as the Board may, in its discre-
tion, determine and require. Such prisoners shall be placed
at work in groups under the control of armed guards, and said
Board shall have the authority to employ such personnel and
guards and establish such camps as may be necessary to make
effective the provisions of this section. Such guards and other
personnel shall be employed under the Merit System, and the
State Employment Commissioner shall have the authority to
waive any of the provisions of Article 64A or of his rules and
regulations as to age and physical disabilities if deemed neces-
sary or desirable under the circumstances to accomplish the
purpose of this Act. The Board of Correction shall provide
transportation, maintenance and care of such prisoners as may
be placed at work on farms under the provisions of this sec-