SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the foregoing
sections hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitu-
tion of Maryland shall, at the election to be held in Novem-
ber, 1944, be submitted to the legal and qualified voters
of the State for their adoption or rejection in pursuance
of the directions contained in Article XIV of the Constitu-
tion of Maryland, and at the said general election the vote
on the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall
be by ballot and upon each ballot there shall be printed
the words, "For Constitutional Amendment" and "Against
Constitutional Amendment", as now provided by law, and
immediately after said election due returns shall be made
to the Governor of the vote for and against said proposed
amendment as directed by Article XIV of the Constitution
and further proceedings had in accordance with said
Article XIV.
Approved May 4? 1943.
(Senate Bill 246)
AN ACT to provide for the conditional release from certain
penal institutions by the Governor of Maryland of pris-
oners who may be found capable of physical labor and
suitable for release into the community, in order to meet
such shortages of labor on farms or dairies located in the
State, or in the food processing, canning or seafood
industry conducted therein as may exist because of the
present war between the United States of America and
Germany, Japan and Italy, and to prescribe the method
of making such releases, and employing such prisoners
and to authorize the Board of Correction to place pris-
oners at labor on farms in Maryland and to authorize
the sale of products produced by prisoners so employed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That, whenever, because of the war between
the United States of America and Germany, Japan and
Italy, the Governor finds that there is a shortage of labor
available for employment on farms and dairies or in the
seafood industry in the State, he shall be authorized to
require the Director of Parole and Probation to certify
to him in writing the names of such prisoners in penal
institutions in the State of Maryland who the Director may
find to be qualified for such labor within the State and