highest number of votes in said election. If, by reason of
such a condition or by reason of an equal vote for two or
more candidates a sufficient number of judges duly qualified
as to residence shall not be elected at any election, then
it shall be the duty of the Governor to order a new election
for such unfilled office or offices. The said judges shall hold
such terms of the Circuit Court in each of the counties
composing their respective circuits, at such times, as are
now prescribed or may hereafter be prescribed by rules
or regulations by the Court of Appeals or otherwise by
law. One judge in each of said seven circuits shall consti-
tute a quorum for the transaction of any business; and the
said judges, or any of them, may hold special terms of
their Courts, when in their discretion, the business of the
several counties renders such terms necessary.
All provisions of the Constitution of Maryland and all
acts of the General Assembly relating to the Court of Ap-
peals or any other courts, and all rules heretofore adopted
by the Court of Appeals, not inconsistent with the pro-
visions of the sections amended or added by this amend-
ment, shall remain in full force and effect unless and until
amended or repealed by proper authority. All salaries
now prescribed by law for associate judges of the Circuit
Courts shall continue to apply to all judges (including
chief judges) of the Circuit Courts who are not judges of
the Court of Appeals. No member of the General As-
sembly at which this amendment was proposed, if other-
wise qualified, shall be ineligible for appointment or elec-
tion as judge of the Court of Appeals or any other court
by reason of his membership in such General Assembly.
All appeals and other matters pending in the Court of
Appeals on January 1, 1945, shall be proceeded with and
determined by the Court as hereby constituted. In the
event and to the extent of any inconsistency between the
provisions of any section amended or added by this amend-
ment and any of the other provisions of this Constitution
or the provisions of any existing law, the provisions of the
sections amended or added shall prevail, and such other
provisions shall be repealed or abrogated to the extent of
such inconsistency, except Section 35A of Article III of this
Constitution; provided, however, that in the event of any
inconsistency between the provisions of the sections thus
amended or added and any of the other provisions of this
Constitution as amended by any other amendments which
may be adopted at the same time as this amendment, i. e.,
at the election held in November, 1944, the changes made
by this amendment and all such other amendments to this
Constitution shall all be given effect.