Walls, Dennis, Richardson, Shockley, Alexander, Derr, Hauver, Payne,
Ramsburg, Virts, Baldwin, De Ran, James, McLean, Banning, McDaniel,
Bertorelli, Duffy, Kosakowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Silk, Behounek, McKewen,
Murphy, Schueler, Valis, Weintraub, Albers, Buffington, Dempsey, Dippel,
O'Malley, Tawney, Melnicove, Pollack, Robinson, Shapiro, Siegel, Sklar,
Argabright, Bandiere, Geraghty, Kennedy, Luber, Preston, Baynes, Curry,
Davis, Meyer, W. W., Thommen, Ankeney, Bloom, Berkson, Hicks,
Huyett, Newcomer, Clark, Hyde, King, Lofstrand, Reeves, Rush, Cook, Fey,
Geppert, Reed, See, Whitworth, Barnes, Hahn, Six, Smith, Carr, Messick,
Nock, Potts, White, Coddington, Mclntire, Myers, J. C. Total—120
By Mr. Pumphrey:
Ordered, That the rules adopted by the House of Delegates of
Maryland at the regular session of 1950 be hereby adopted as the
rules governing the House of Delegates during the present special
session of November 10, 1950, unless otherwise ordered.
By Mr. Robinson:
At the end of the Order, insert the following:
That a new Rule, to be known as Rule 35A, be adopted for this
Extraordinary Session, the said rule to read as follows:
- 35A. No bills shall be considered at the Extraordinary Session
of November 10, 1950, other than House Bills 1 and 2, relating to
the Retail Sales and Use Taxes and Senate Bill 1, making appro-
priations for the expenses of the Extraordinary Session. This Rule
No. 35A to apply only to this Extraordinary Session and to become
inoperative and ineffective and null and void upon adjournment
sine die of this Extraordinary Session."
Which amendment was read and adopted.
The Order, as amended, was read and adopted.
By Mr. Pumphrey:
Ordered, That the Speaker appoint the employees necessary for
the proper transaction of business of the session, this order to
remain in effect until changed or modified by the House of Dele-
Which was read and adopted.
By Mr. Pumphrey:
Ordered, That the House of Delegates Committees appointed by
the Speaker of the House of Delegates during the regular session
of 1950 be and they are hereby continued to serve during the special
session of November 10, 1950; and be it further ordered that the