and the Commissioners are authorized and directed to
levy annually, for the use of the crier of said court, on
the assessable property of said county, such sum of money
as they shall deem sufficient to pay his per diem for both
the general and equity terms thereof; and upon presenta-
tion to said County Commissioners, of the certificates
of the clerk of said court, certifying the number of days in
which he has been engaged at each term of said court, he
shall be entitled to receive his per diem in cash; and the
said County Commissioners are directed, upon presenta-
tion thereof, to pay the same.
283. The compensation of the various election officials
of Dorchester County, Maryland, shall be as follows: The
Supervisors of Election shall each receive the sum of
$300. 00; the attorney for the Board of Supervisors of
Election shall receive a salary not exceeding the sum of
$200. 00; the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Election
. shall receive the sum of $300. 00 for each and
every year when there is a general election held and for
any year there should be a special election held for any
cause whatsoever; the judges of election when sitting as
officers of registration shall receive the sum of $5. 00 per
day; the judges of election when sitting on Revision Day
, shall receive the sum of $6. 00 per day; the judges and
clerks of election in all polling places having a registered
vote of five hundred or less, shall receive the sum of $7. 00
per day; and all judges and clerks of election in polling
places having more than five hundred registered voters,
shall receive the sum of $8. 00 per day, and the term day
as used in this section shall mean and constitute the whole
time the said officials may be employed in one sitting, that
is, from the opening of the polls until the final completion
of the work; the return judges in all districts, except Dis-
trict No. 7, shall receive $5, 00 for each day upon which
the registry books are returned and in District No. 7, the
return judges shall receive $2. 50 for each day upon which
the said registry books are returned, and that all such
compensations as herein provided as well as the other ex-
penses of elections and registrations as regulated by the
General Election Laws of this State shall be paid by the
Treasurer of Dorchester County upon vouchers therefor
approved by the Board of County Commissioners and the
Board of Election Supervisors.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.
Approved April 28, 1941