Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Post Mortem Examiners", be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
and that a new section be and it is hereby added to said
Article 22, said new section to be known as Section 3A, to fol-
low immediately after Section 3 of said Article, and all to
read as follows:
2. The said Commission is hereby authorized and directed
to appoint three medical examiners, one to be known as Chief
Medical Examiner, at an annual salary of $6, 500, and the other
two as Assistant Medical Examiners, at an annual salary of
$5, 000 each. The Chief Medical Examiner and the Assistant
Medical Examiners shall be licensed Doctors of Medicine, and
shall have had at least two years post-graduate training in
pathology. The said Commission shall appoint, to such extent
as may be authorized by the Board of Estimates of Baltimore
City, such other professional or technical personnel, clerks
and other employees as may be necessary for the proper
administration of the Department and at such compensation
as may be provided for by said Board of Estimates in the
Ordinance of Estimates of Baltimore City. The salaries of
said Examiners shall be included in the Ordinance of Esti-
mates each year. Such other professional or technical per-
sonnel and the clerks and employees shall be appointed in
accordance with the provisions of Sections 268 to 284, in-
clusive, of the Baltimore City Charter (1938 Edition), known
as the Merit System.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the
Commission from employing the services of physicians on a
contract basis for part time service, as may be authorized by
the Board of Estimates of Baltimore City.
3A. The said Commission is hereby authorized to adopt
and promulgate such rules and regulations not inconsistent
with law as it may deem necessary to make effective the pro-
visions of this Article.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1941.
Approved April 15, 1941.
(Senate Bill 2)
AN ACT to add six new sections to Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition),