this article. The court making such transfer shall order
the child to be taken forthwith to the place of detention
designated by the Juvenile Court or to that court itself
or release such child in the custody of some suitable per-
son to appear before the Juvenile Court at a time desig-
nated. The Juvenile Court shall thereupon proceed to hear
and dispose of such cases in the same manner as if it had
been instituted in that court in the first instance,
g. Hearing, judgment.
(1) The court may conduct hearings in cases involv-
ing children in an informal manner, and may adjourn the
hearing from time to time. In the hearing of any case the
general public shall be excluded and only such persons
. admitted as have a direct interest in the case. All cases
involving children shall be heard separately and apart
from the trial of cases against adults. The Court shall
hear and determine all cases of children without regard
of technicalities of procedure of rules of evidence.
(2) If the court shall find that the child is delinquent,
neglected, dependent, or otherwise within the provisions
of this act, it may by order duly entered proceed as
(a) Suspend sentence.
(b) Place the child on probation for a period discre-
tionary with said Magistrate for Juvenile Cases, in his
own home or in the custody of a relative or other fit per-
son, subject, however, to the supervision of the Probation
Officer, or other person or agency designated by him, upon
such terms as the Magistrate shall determine and subject
to the further orders of said Magistrate.,
(c) Commit the child to the care and custody of some
responsible citizen of Washington County, maintaining a
suitable private home, or some agency, society or suitable
institution, maintained by the State or otherwise organ-
ized or established for the care of children, provided said
home, agency, society or institution is approved by the
Board of State Aid and Charities and is authorized to care
for children, until said child becomes twenty-one years
of age. Said Magistrate however, shall retain the right
and power to remove such child from such person, home,
agency, society or institution at such time as he may see
fit and for such reasons as he may determine sufficient.
Whenever any child is so committed to any person,
home, agency, or institution, it shall be the duty of such
person, home, agency or institution to report to said Magis-
trate the condition and progress of such child; and such
custodian shall exercise proper care for the schooling and
training of such child, and make report to said Magistrate