with into the custody of the court, a warrant may be
issued against the parent or guardian or against the child
Whenever any officer takes a child into custody, he shall,
unless it is impracticable or has been otherwise ordered
by the Magistrate accept the written promise of the parent,
guardian or custodian to bring the child to the court at
the time fixed. Thereupon such child may be released in
the custody of a parent, guardian or custodian. If not so
released, such child shall be placed in the custody of the
Probation Officer or any other person designated by the
Magistrate, or taken immediately to the court or to the
place of detention designated by the Magistrate, and the
officer taking him shall immediately notify the Magistrate
and shall file a petition when directed to do so by the
Magistrate. The Magistrate may make a general order
designating such place of detention.
In the case of any child whose custody has been assumed
by the court and pending the final disposition of the case,
the child may be released in the custody of a parent, guard-
ian or custodian, or of the Probation Officer or other person
appointed by the Magistrate, to be brought before the
Magistrate at the time designated. When not released as
herein provided, such child, pending the hearing of the
case, shall be detained in such place of detention as shall
be designated by the Magistrate, subject to further order.
Nothing in this act shall be construed as forbidding
any peace officer, police officer or probation officer from
immediately taking into custody any child who is found
violating any law or ordinance, or who is reasonably be-
lieved to be a fugitive from his parents or from justice,
or whose surroundings are such as to endanger his health,
morals or welfare, unless immediate action is taken. In
every such case the officer taking the child into custody
shall immediately report the fact to the court and the case
shall then be proceeded with as provided in this act.
f. Transfer from other courts.
If during the pendency of a criminal charge against
any person in any other court of Washington County, it
shall be ascertained that said person was under the age
of eighteen years at the time of committing the alleged
offense, the said Court may, and if the said person was
under the age of sixteen years such Court shall transfer
such case immediately, together with all papers, documents
and testimony connected therewith to the Juvenile Court,
excepting, however, those cases where the Circuit Court
of Washington County has the right to retain jurisdiction
under the provisions of Section 567, sub-section "e" of