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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 896   View pdf image (33K)
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as often as directed by the order of committment; and if
any child so placed with any person, home, agency, or
institution, shall leave or quit the same before attaining
adult age, and without leave of said Magistrate, he or
she shall be apprehended and brought before said Magis-
trate, and said Magistrate shall award the custody of said
child as said Magistrate may determine to be best for
the interests of said child and the community. All orders
of the Magistrate shall be noted in the docket provided
for by this Act, and the originals carefully preserved by
the Clerk in said Magistrate's Office, and a duplicate copy
of such orders shall be made and presented to the custo-
dian so appointed.

The said Magistrate shall not commit for any reason a
child under sixteen years of age to a jail or police station
to be confined with other prisoners. If any such child
shall be unable to give bail for his or her appearances as
and where demanded, he or she shall be committed to the
care of the Probation Officer of the said county, or to the
custody of some person, home or society or juvenile insti-
tution organized for the care of children, provided, how-
ever, that a child fourteen years of age or older whose
habits or conduct are deemed such as to constitute a menace
to other children, may, with the consent of the Magistrate,
be placed in a jail, Police Station or other place of deten-
tion for adults but in a room or ward separate from

(d) Impose a legal fine, and in default of payment,
commit or place said child on probation as herein provided.

(e) Continue the proceeding and place the child in
its own home or in the custody of a relative or other suit-
able person, association, agency, society or institution
approved by the Board of State Aid and Charities as afore-
said, for a designated period subject to the further orders
of the said Magistrate.

(f) Render such other and further judgment as said
Magistrate may deem to be for the best interests of said

h. No adjudication upon the status of any child under
the age of sixteen in the jurisdiction of the court shall
operate to impose any of the civil disabilities ordinarily
imposed by conviction, nor shall any such child be deemed
a criminal by reason of such adjudication, nor shall such
adjudication be deemed a conviction. The disposition of
such child or any evidence given in the court shall not be
admissible as evidence against the child in any case or
proceeding in any other court, nor shall such disposition


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Session Laws, 1941
Volume 582, Page 896   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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