County Commissioners of Washington County and the
other one-third by the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown.
563. The salary provided for said Magistrate in the
aforegoing Section shall be the only salary or fee to be
paid to said Magistrate of Justice of the Peace in any crim-
inal cases, whether for violations of State or County Laws,
or for violations of the ordinances of the City of Hagers-
town, or for his services as Magistrate for Juvenile Cases;
provided, however, that in addition to said salary therein
provided, he shall be allowed for all actual and reasonable
traveling expenses incurred by him when in the discharge
of his official duties, the same to be paid to him by the
County Commissioners of Washington County, upon the
filing with them by said Magistrate or Justice of the Peace
an itemized list of such expenses duly sworn to before some
officer legally authorized to administer oaths in said Wash-
ington County.
564. The said Magistrate shall sit at such times and
places as may be necessary for the proper discharge of his
565. In case of the absence, illness, disability or dis-
qualification of the Magistrate for Juvenile Cases, it shall
be the duty of a Judge of the Circuit Court for Washing-
ton County to perform the duties required by this Act of
the said Magistrate, pending such absence, illness, disabil-
ity or disqualification.
566. The Magistrate herein provided for, before qual-
ifying as such, shall give bond to the State of Maryland in
the penalty of Five Thousand Dollars, with surety or sure-
ties to be approved by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Washington County, conditioned that he will well and
faithfully perform and execute the duties and obligations
of the Office of Magistrate for Juvenile Cases or Justice
of the Peace and that he will account for and pay over to
the County Commissioners of Washington County, all
fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs imposed by him and
which he shall receive for or on account of criminal
offenses tried by him under the provisions of the Code of
Public General Laws and. Code of Public Local Laws,
and that he will account for and pay over to the Tax Col-
lector of Hagerstown, all fines, penalties, forfeitures and
costs imposed by him and which he shall receive for or
on account of offenses against the ordinances of Hagers-
town, and that he will well and truly account for and pay
over to the person, persons, or corporations entitled to