f. The words "Neglected Child" include:
A child who has been abandoned by his parent, guardian
or custodian; or who lacks proper parental care by reason
of the fault or habits of the parent, guardian or custodian;
or whose parent, guardian or custodian neglects or refuses
to provide necessary food, clothing, shelter, medical, sur-
gical or other care necessary for the health, morals or
well being of the child; or whose parent, guardian or
custodian neglects or refuses to provide the special care
made necessary by his mental condition; or who frequents
any disreputable place or who associates with vagrant,
vicious or immoral persons; or who engages in any occu-
pation or in a situation dangerous to life or limb or injuri-
ous to the health or morals of himself or others.
g. The words "Dependent Child" include:
A child who is homeless or is destitute or without proper
support or care, or who is feeble minded or otherwise
mentally deficient, or who habitually begs for alms, or who
is without a parent, guardian or custodian able to provide
properly for his support, training and education.
h. The singular shall be construed to include the plural,
the plural the singular, and the masculine the feminine,
when consistent with the intent of the act.
561. Establishment of Juvenile Court:
There is hereby established in Washington County a
Court to be known as THE JUVENILE COURT, said
Court to have such jurisdiction as hereinafter prescribed
and to be presided over by a Justice of the Peace at large
to be known as "The Magistrate for Juvenile Cases".
562. Appointment of Magistrate:
In addition to the Justices of the Peace otherwise pro-
vided for by law applicable to Washington County, there
shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the con-
sent of the Senate, and if the Senate shall not be in ses-
sion, by the Governor, from Washington County at large,
an additional Justice of the Peace, to fill the aforesaid
office of "Magistrate for Juvenile Cases", whose term of
Office shall begin on the first Monday of May, 1941, and
who shall thereafter be appointed in conformity with the
Constitution of this State, as in the case of other Justices
of the Peace. The said Magistrate shall be a member of
the Bar of the Circuit Court for Washington County and
shall not by reason of such appointment be debarred from
practicing law in any of the Courts of this State. The
salary of said Magistrate shall be Twenty-Six Hundred
Dollars per annum, payable monthly, two-thirds by the