the same, all money coming into his hands for or on account
of any business pertaining to or connected with his office.
And the bond of the said Justice of the Peace or Magis-
trate for Juvenile Cases shall be liable at the suit of the
State of Maryland, for the use of the County Commis-
sioners of Washington County and of the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown, and of any person, persons, corpo-
ration or corporations entitled under any default of said
567. Jurisdiction.
The authority, powers and jurisdiction of the Magistrate
appointed under this act shall be as follows:
a. He shall possess the general powers of a Justice of
the Peace at large, and also the powers of a Police Justice
of Hagerstown as the same are now or may hereafter be
prescribed or defined by law, except as modified or re-
stricted by this act, provided, however, that he shall not
be required to assume and shall have the right to waive
jurisdiction in criminal cases where adults are defendants
when the conduct alleged does not directly affect the wel-
fare of a child or children as defined by this act.
b. He shall not have the power or jurisdiction to try,
hear or determine civil actions of any kind.
e. He shall have jurisdiction as conferred upon Justices
of the Peace under the provisions of Article 12 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, 1939 Edition, and all amend-
ments thereto now in force or hereafter passed, which
shall be exclusive as among the several Justices of the
Peace or Trial Magistrates of Washington County, over
and with respect to bastardy cases.
d. He shall have jurisdiction as conferred upon Justices
of the Peace under the provisions of Article 27, Sections
89 to 104, inclusive, of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
1939 Edition, and all amendments thereto now in force
or hereafter passed, which shall be exclusive as among
the several Justices of the Peace or Trial Magistrates of
Washington County, over and with respect to desertion
and non-support cases.
e. He shall have jurisdiction, which shall be exclusive
as among the several Justices of the Peace or Trial Magis-
trates of Washington County, over and with respect to
any child under the age of eighteen years, residing within
Washington County, who is delinquent, neglected, depend-
ent or mentally defective, or any such child who shall have
violated any law of the State or ordinance of a sub-divi-
sion thereof prior to having become eighteen years of
age, provided, however, that, whenever a child over the