12E. The members of the Commission shall be appoint-
ed for terms of five years from June 1, 1941, but the terms
of the first members appointed shall expire in one, two,
three, four and five years, respectively. The Governor
shall have power to remove for cause, and to fill any
vacancy for the unexpired term. The members shall re-
ceive no compensation for their services but shall be reim-
bursed for necessary travelling expenses and disbursements
incurred in attending meetings or performing other official
12F. The Commission shall exercise general supervi-
sion over all matters pertaining to the following:
(1) Research
(a) Studies and investigations into the commercial
tidewater fisheries; nutritive food values, abundance, de-
pletion, production standards, indices of decomposition and
contamination, utilization of seafood products and by-
products and problems of rehabilitation.
(b) Investigations of the waters of the State as to
their capacity to maintain and develop fish life, including
the problems of hatchery, planting and rearing of fish.
(c) Investigations of food, cover and habitat, with
reference to game and bird populations.
(d) Problems of diseases as affecting game and fish.
(e) Studies of vermin and predatory control.
(f) Studies of pollution and its control in both tidal
and non-tidal water.
(g) Initiation of statistical investigations in coopera-
tion with the several departments administering the na-
tural resources of the State and with the appropriate
agencies of the Federal Government, including transpor-
tation, costs and service.
(h) Cooperation with the United States Weather
Bureau in the compilation and dissemination of informa-
tion regarding the weather and climate of Maryland.
(2). Education
(a) Preparation and transmission of material in accept-
able curriculum form for use in classroom work in the
colleges and schools of the State. In the case of the State
teachers colleges, the students should receive such instruc-
tion as will qualify them to teach conservation in the
schools of the State. This work should also include the
creation and maintenance of fellowships at accredited col-
leges for study and research on conservation problems.
(b) Presentation to the public, on a full-time basis,
of a systematic program of instruction by means of lec-
tures, motion pictures, articles and other methods of pub-