follow immediately after Section 4, said sub-title to be
known as "Department of Tidewater Fisheries", and said
Sections to be known as Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
of said Article, and to read as follows:
5. There is hereby created a State department to reg-
ulate and control the tidewater fisheries to be known as
the Commission of Tidewater Fisheries. Said Commission
shall be composed of three members, citizens and residents
of this State, to be appointed by the Governor, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, not more than
two of whom shall be of the same political party. The
Governor shall designate one member as Chairman, and
the member so designated shall retain such status during
his term of office. The initial members of said Commission
shall be those persons constituting the Conservation Com-
mission on the effective date of this Act. Upon the expira-
tion of the respective terms of such persons on June 1,
1943, one member shall be appointed for a term of two
years, one for a term of four years and one for a term of
six years, and thereafter the appointments shall be for
terms of six years. The Governor shall have power to
remove any member for cause, and to fill any vacancy for
the unexpired portion of the term. In all cases the deci-
sion of a majority of the members of the Commission shall
be binding. The salary of the Chairman of the Commis-
sion shall be five thousand dollars a year, and the salary
of each of the other members shall be three thousand dol-
lars a year and they shall each be entitled to receive in
addition thereto the necessary travelling expenses and dis-
bursements incurred by them in the discharge of their
official duties.
6. The Commission shall have general supervisory
power, regulation and control over the following natural
resources of the State, within the bounds of tidewater,
viz: fish, crabs, terrapin, oysters, clams and other shellfish.
The Commission shall exercise the power conferred and
perform the duties imposed by all laws now in force or
hereafter enacted relating to any of the above subjects,
and particularly the provisions of Articles 39 and 72 of
the Code relating to the tidewater fisheries. The Commis-
sion is authorized to operate, sell, buy, lease, exchange,
rent or repair such vehicles, vessels, boats, nets and other
equipment as may be necessary for its work, and to pro-
vide such arms, ammunition and equipment as may be
required for the vehicles, vessels and boats owned by it