(House Bill 686)
AN ACT to authorize and provide funds for the purchase of a
combination pumper and ladder fire truck for the Town of
Hyattsville, in Prince George's County, Maryland, and to
provide for the determination by referendum to the voters
of said town as to whether or not this Act shall become
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That in order to provide adequate protection from firer
The Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville, in Prince
George's County, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered;
to purchase on a deferred payment plan, on the faith and
credit of The Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville, one
combination pumper and ladder fire truck and equipment at
a price not to exceed Fifteen Thousand One Hundred and Fifty
Dollars ($15, 150. 00), and to make, execute and deliver such
note or notes or other evidence of indebtedness as may be re-
quired to properly acknowledge and pay said debt, which
shall bear interest at not to exceed four (4) per cent, per
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in order to meet
the indebtedness incurred under the foregoing section, The
Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville shall levy annually
for not more than four (4) successive years after the effective
date hereof, a tax which shall not exceed the sum of five (5)
cents for each One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) assessed valua-
tion of taxable property in the Town of Hyattsville, as the
same is now taxed by the Mayor and Common Council of
Hyattsville, said tax to be levied and collected as other town
taxes and to be shown upon the tax bills separately in a
column provided for that purpose.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall not be-
come effective unless and until it shall be submitted to the
qualified voters of The Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville, and accepted by a majority of voters voting at an elec-
tion thereon. For such purposes a referendum shall be held
by The Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville at an elec-
tion to be fixed by it, to be held either as part of the regular
election in May, 1941, or at a special election within three
months thereafter. Said election shall be conducted under
the provisions of existing law for the election of town officers,
and the manner of submission of the question to the voters