pealed and re-enacted, with amendments, so as to read as
100. *** Calvert County. There shall be one trial mag-
istrate who shall sit at Prince Frederick and shall receive
an annual salary of $900. 00. At least one day or part there-
of in each week he shall sit at Sunderland and at such other
place or places in said county as the public business may
from time to time require. There shall be one trial magis-
trate who shall sit at North Beach or Chesapeake Beach
and who shall sit as often as the public interest may require.
Such magistrate shall receive an annual salary of $350. 00,.
of which $75 shall be payable on July 1 of each year by
the municipality of North Beach, $25 of which shall be
payable on said date by the municipality of Chesapeake
Beach and $250 shall be payable by the County Commis-
sioners of Calvert County in quarter-annual installments
on the first days of August, November, February and May.
The municipality of North Beach shall also furnish such
trial magistrate with such office space and facilities as shall
be reasonably necessary for the performance of his duties
in that municipality and shall also furnish him with such
records, stationery and supplies as may be needed in the
performance of his official duties. Such magistrate shall
keep separate dockets with respect to all cases and for-
feitures relating to violations of the ordinances of North
Beach and Chesapeake Beach respectively and all fines,
penalties, forfeitures and costs collected by him in connec-
tion with such municipal violations shall be paid by him to
the Treasurer of North Beach with respect to violations of
municipal ordinances of that municipality, and to the
Treasurer of Chesapeake Beach with respect to violations
of the municipal ordinances of that municipality, such pay-
ments to be made not later than the tenth day of each
month with respect to collections received by him during
the month preceding.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.
Approved May 29, 1941.
(House Bill 68)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 13 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford County",
sub-title "Bel Air", to be known as Section 99A, to provide