missioners of Worcester County in the manner following,
that is to say: Three-fourths of the said funds so raised
shall be equally divided among the incorporated volunteer
fire companies in the towns of Ocean City, Berlin, Newark,
Snow Hill, Stockton, Bishopville and Pocomoke City and
shall be paid to said companies on or before the first day
of February next succeeding the date on which said taxes
shall be levied; the remaining one-fourth of the funds so
raised by taxation as aforesaid shall be expended by the
said County Commissioners of Worcester County in their
discretion in the assistance, maintenance and support of
any volunteer fire company or companies in said Worcester
County which shall organize and incorporate subsequent
to March 1st, 1939, provided, however, that any of the
funds levied and raised under this Act which may remain
unexpended in the hands of the said County Commission-
ers on the last day of the fiscal year for which said taxes
shall have been levied shall be distributed by the said
County Commissioners equally among all of the incor-
porated volunteer fire companies in said Worcester County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.
Approved April 15, 1941.
(Senate Bill 147)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, the
fourth paragraph under the heading "Calvert County"
of Section 100 of Article 52 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, Flack's 1939 Edition, as the same
was enacted by Chapter 720 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1939, so as to provide for a trial magistrate
at North Beach and Chesapeake Beach, to fix and pro-
vide for his compensation, and to provide for the dispo-
sition of fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs arising
from the violation of the municipal ordinances of North
Beach and Chesapeake Beach.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the fourth paragraph under the heading
"Calvert County" of Section 98 of Article 52 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, Flack's 1939 Edition,
as the same was enacted by Chapter 720 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 1939 be and the same is hereby re-