section to be known as Section 309B and to follow im-
mediately after Section 309 A of said Article, to authorize
and empower Mayor and Council of Snow Hill to sell,
lease, or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part or
parts of certain lands owned by said municipality
known as parts of the "Hawk Lot", at such time or
times and for such consideration as in the discretion of
said municipality may seem proper.
WHEREAS, in the exercise of the power vested in it and
for the purpose of preventing improper and promoting
proper development of certain lands lying near and ad-
jacent to the south westernmost limits of the town of Snow
Hill, Mayor and Council of Snow Hill, a municipal corpo-
ration, acquired certain lands known as parts of the
"Hawk Lot", by deed from New Hope Lodge No. 47,
Knights of Pythias of North America, South America, Eu-
rope, Asia, Africa and Australia, and Edward J. Henry,
et als, dated April 9, 1936, and recorded among the Land
Records of Worcester County, Maryland, in Liber B. B. No.
30, Folio 28, and by deed from Newell M. Corddry and oth-
ers, dated December 22, 1938, and recorded among said
land records in Liber B. B. No. 37, Folio 313; and
WHEREAS, said lands in whole or in part are suitable
for industrial development and other purposes and uses
which will, in the judgment of said Mayor and Council of
Snow Hill react to the advantage of said town and pro-
mote the welfare of the inhabitants thereof and said mu-
nicipality is advised that legislative authority is neces-
sary to enable it to dispose of said property or any part
or parts thereof should the occasion therefor arise.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and it is hereby added to
Article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title "Worcester County", sub-title "Snow
Hill", said new section to be known as Section 309B, to
follow immediately after Section 309A of said Article, and
to read as follows:
309B. Mayor and Council of Snow Hill, in addition
to and not in derogation of the powers heretofore granted
to and possessed by it, shall have power to sell, lease, or
otherwise dispose of, at, such time or times and for such
consideration or considerations as in the discretion of said
Mayor and Council of Snow Hill shall appear proper, all
or any part or parts of all that tract, part of a tract or
parcel of land lying and being situate at and near the