ties having a connection with Town sewer. Said rates shall
be uniform throughout the Town for each class of property.
Bills for the amount of the charges as above specified shall
be sent semi-annually to each property served and shall there-
upon be payable at the office of the Commissioners; and if
any bill shall remain unpaid after thirty (30) days from date
of sending it shall be considered as in arrears; and if not
paid within sixty (60) days after being sent out, it shall be
collectible against the owner of the property served in the
same manner as other debts are collectible in said Town,
116. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by the Commis-
sioners to take or acquire any land, structures or buildings or
any stream bed or water way, either in fee or as an easement,
within or without the Town of Bel Air, for the construction,
extension or maintenance of any sewer or appurtenance there-
to or for any sewerage disposal plant or part thereof, tank or
pumping station, the Commissioners may purchase the same
from the owners, or failing to agree with the owner, owners,
tenants, lessors or other persons interested therein may con-
demn the same as now or as may be hereafter provided for
condemnation of land under Article 33A of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland.
117. The Commissioners are empowered and directed
to formulate and enforce such rules and regulations as they
may deem necessary for maintaining and operating said sewer-
age system and said sewage disposal plant under their con-
trol, and shall formulate and put into effect plumbing regula-
tions which shall govern the installation and alteration of all
drainage arrangements on private property. Said Commis-
sioners may require that no plumbing or drainage work be
done on any private property without the receipt of a permit
and the payment of a reasonable charge therefor. Any viola-
tion of any rule or regulation promulgated under authority
of this section shall be a misdemeanor, punishable under Sec-
tion 123.
118. The Commissioners, with the consent and approval of
the County Commissioners of Harford County, shall have au-
thority to establish grades for all streets, roads and sidewalks
within the area served by the sewerage system and sewage dis-
posal plant outside of the corporate limits of said Town for
the purpose of enabling the said Commissioners to establish
a permanent system of streets and highways uniform with
those located within the limits of the Town.
119. The Commissioners may enter upon any State, County
or Municipal street, road or alley or any public highway, for