violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misde-
meanor, punishable under Section 123.
113. For every sewer connection at the property line with
property owners7 drains as provided under Section 112, said
Commissioners shall make such charge as they shall determine
to be reasonable, which charge shall be uniform throughout
the Town of Bel Air, subject, however, to revision annually
by the Commissioners. Said charge shall be paid by all prop-
erty owners at the office of the Commissioners before the
actual connection with any pipe or drains on private property
is made.
114. Said Commissioners may provide for all or any part
of the cost of construction, establishment, extension or altera-
tion of the sewerage system, except the sewage disposal plant,
by the levy of a front foot assessment on all property abutting
on a street, road, alley or right-of-way in which a sewer is
laid. Said Commissioners may provide for the extinguish-
ment by property owners of annual front foot benefit charges
upon such terms as they may deem wise, proper and equitable,
provided any such arrangement shall provide properly for the
necessary payments on the outstanding bonds. The Commis-
sioners may classify properties and may change the front foot
assessment rates from year to year, as may become necessary,,
but the rate for each year shall be uniform for each class of
property so assessed within the Town. Said Commissioners
shall notify in writing all assessed property owners as to the
amount of their assessments, naming in said notice a time and
place when and where said owners will be heard. The benefit
charge assessed against any property shall be final subject only
to revision at said hearing. The Commissioners, in the case
of corner lots, irregular shaped lots and shallow lots front-
ing on more than one street may determine upon such lengths
of frontage for assessment as they may deem reasonable and
fair. Front foot charges, as above specified, shall be a first
lien on property against which they are assessed, subject only
to prior State and County charges, shall be in default after
sixty (60) days from the date of levy and upon default of pay-
ment shall be reduced to judgment within two (2) years or the
lien will be lost.
115. For the purpose of providing funds and maintaining,
repairing and operating their sewerage system and sewerage
disposal plant, including overhead expenses and property de-
preciation allowance, said Commissioners shall be empowered
and directed to make such sewerage service rates as they may
deem adequate and necessary, chargeable against all proper-