with the middle thereof, north forty-five (45) degrees thirty-
six (36) minutes no (00) seconds east seventeen and eighty-
six one hundredths (17. 86) feet, and thence leaving the middle
of the said road and running with the dividing line between the
lands of Stephen Moore and Jacob Durham, south twenty-
seven (27) degrees forty-six (46) minutes no (00) seconds east
six hundred and fifty-three and fifty-five one-hundredths
(653. 55) feet to a stake, and thence leaving the said dividing
line and running across the Moore land, north forty-three (43)
degrees fifty-five (55) minutes thirty (30) seconds east three
hundred and fifty-three and fifty-nine one-hundredths (353. 59)
feet to an iron pipe set by a post, at a corner of the lands of
E. S. Reed and Edward Greer, and thence running with the
dividing line between the lands of the said Reed and of the
said Greer the following courses and distances, to wit: north
forty-three (43) degrees fifty-five (55) minutes thirty (30)
seconds east four hundred and fifty-three and ninety one-
hundredths (453. 90) feet to an iron pipe, north thirty-two
(32) degrees thirty-eight (38) minutes thirty (30) seconds
east one hundred and forty-nine and sixty-four one-hundredths
(149. 64) feet to an iron pipe and north forty-four (44) degrees
eight (08) minutes thirty (30) seconds east six hundred and
fifty-seven and thirty-five one-hundredths (657. 35) feet to an
iron pipe set by a post in the southwest side of Kenmore
Avenue in "Kenmore Addition", and thence with the south-
west side of Kenmore Avenue, south thirty (30) degrees fifty-
one (51) minutes thirty (30) seconds east five hundred and
fifty-four and fifty-one hundredths (554. 51) feet to an iron
pipe at the northwest corner of Lot No. 73 of said "Kenmore
Addition", and thence running with the westerly side of said
Lot No. 73, south fifty-nine (59) degrees eight (08) minutes
thirty (30) seconds west one hundred and ninety-four and
forty one-hundredths (194. 40) feet to an iron pipe at the south-
west corner of said lot, and thence running with the dividing
lines between the said Greer lands and other lots of said
"Kenmore Addition", south thirty-(30) degrees fifty-one (51)
minutes thirty (30) seconds east nine hundred and twenty-five
and no one-hundredths (925. 00) feet to the westerly side of
Idlewild Avenue and thence running" with the westerly or
northwesterly side of said avenue, north fifty-nine (59) degrees
eight (08) minutes thirty (30) seconds east five hundred and
seventy-five and no one-hundredths (575. 00) feet to the middle
of the Egdewood Road or Main Street Extended, and thence
with the middle of the said road or street, north thirty (30)
degrees fifty-one (51) minutes thirty (30) seconds west eight
hundred and sixteen and sixty-one one-hundredths (816. 61)
feet to the southmost corner of a tract of land belonging to
Lavinia Bradford, and thence leaving the middle of the said