WHEREAS, the said land located in the City of Cumberland
is needed by said City in connection with the flood protection
for said City, for highway construction and for the elimina-
tion of conditions, within the canal basin, detrimental to the
health and comfort of the citizens of said City; therefore, be it
Resolved l)y the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
United States Congress and the Secretary of the Interior of
the United States be and they are hereby respectfully requested
to convey so much of the property formerly owned by the Chesa-
peake & Ohio Canal Company, within the limits of the City of
Cumberland, to the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland,
to be used for public purposes; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby
directed to send a copy of this Resolution, under the Great
Seal of the State of Maryland, to the President of the United
States Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
Secretary of the Interior, and to each of the members from
the State of Maryland in the United States Congress.
Approved May 29, 1941.
NO. 4.
(Senate Joint Resolution 7)
JOINT RESOLUTION Requesting the Governor to Ap-
point a Soil Erosion Commission.
WHEREAS, The shorelines of the Chesapeake Bay and
other bodies of tidewater within this State and of the
rivers of the State are gradually washing away, thereby
filling the bay with silt and in many instances covering
and destroying oyster bars, therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor be and he is hereby requested to appoint a
Soil Erosion Commission to consist of not more than five
persons to make a survey and investigation as to the feasi-
bility and cost to the State of entering upon a comprehen-
sive program of protecting the shores of the Chesapeake
Bay and the other bodies of tidewater and of the several
rivers from further erosion, and be it further
Resolved, That the said Commission shall serve without
compensation, except for necessary traveling expenses, and
be it further