Volume 582, Page 2028 View pdf image (33K) |
Item No. 2. Contingent upon the passage of House Bills Nos. 51, 447, 448, 449 and
1942 1943 Officers..................................... $6, 000. 00 $6, 000. 00
Item No. 3. Contingent upon the passage of House Bill No. 235, there is hereby
1942 1943
Item No. 4. Contingent upon the passage of House Bill No. 27, there is hereby
1942 1943
Item No. 5. Contingent upon the passage of Senate Bill No. 298, the following appro- 1942 1943 Chairman..................................... $1, 500. 00 $1, 500. 00 4 Commissioners at $600. 00.................... 2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 Travel for Commissioners..................... 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Total.................................. $4. 900. 00 $4, 900. 00 CONTINGENT APPROPRIATION—SPECIAL FUNDS
Item No. 1. Contingent upon the passage of Senate Bill No. 33, there is hereby 1942 1943 One Associate Magistrate...................... $3, 500. 00 $3, 500. 00 One Court Clerk............................... 2, 300. 00 2, 300. 00 One Senior Clerk.............................. 2, 080. 00 2, 080. 00 Two Junior Clerks at $900. 00.................. 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Total.................................. $9, 680. 00 $9, 680. 00
The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to reduce item or items
Approved May 26, 1941.
Volume 582, Page 2028 View pdf image (33K) |
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