Item No. 1. Contingent upon the passage of Senate Bill No. 178, the appropriation on
page 45 of the printed bill, designated as "Account 0-3" and headed "Elimination of Grade
Crossing Construction (% cent Gasoline Tax)" and the succeeding sixteen lines shall
be struck out and the following inserted in lieu thereof:
To the State Roads Commission, the proceeds of 80% of the revenue of %c. Gaso-
line Tax (less refund exemptions), first to the extent required for the purpose of
meeting principal and interest payments with respect to bonds which the General
Assembly may authorize in connection with the acquisition, maintenance and opera-
tion, by the State Roads Commission or other State agency, of a ferry service in
the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and particularly with respect to the acquisi-
tion, maintenance and operation of ferry properties of the Claiborne-Annapolis Ferry
Company (contingent upon the passage of Senate Bill No. 178, or other appropriate
Act of the General Assembly); and secondly, after deducting one-eighth (%) of the
appropriation authorized for maintaining the Gasoline Tax Collection Department in
the office of the State Comptroller, the balance or so much thereof as may be
required, shall be expended by the Commission in the relocation of roads, for the
purpose of accomplishing the elimination of grade crossings, the reconstruction and
relocation of bridge structures and/or the construction or reconstruction of major
projects on the State System of Roads. The amounts named herein are computed
as estimates only, it being the intention that these appropriations shall be 100% of
the revenue aforesaid, and it being further the intention that should the proceeds of
the tax exceed the amounts herein set forth, then such excess shall not revert to
the General Fund of the State, but shall be set over to the use of the State
Roads Commission to be allotted by subsequent Legislative action, in like manner
as the sums hereby requested.
Item No. 2. Contingent upon the passage of legislation changing the ranks of staff
officers, there is hereby appropriated to the Maryland State Police the sum of $2, 019. 00 in
addition to the appropriations shown on pages 23 and 24 of the printed bill for
each of the fiscal years 1942 and 1943.
Item No. 1. Contingent upon the passage of Senate Bill No. 310, there is hereby
appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources, the following:
1942 1943
For Salaries and Expenses.................... $10, 000. 00 $10, 000. 00