of the Evangelical Association of North America, Atlantic
Conference, dated April 11, 1905, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 285,
folio 272, etc., conveying to it the reversionary interest in the
property on the south side of Gough Street one hundred twelve
feet east of Highland Avenue, more particularly described
in the said deed.
17. To the grant and deed executed by Ida E. Hunter to
the Salem Church of the Evangelical Association of North
America, Atlantic Conference, dated September 28, 1906, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in
Liber W. P. C. No. 303, folio 550, etc., conveying to it in fee
the property on the south side of Gough Street ninety feet
east of Highland Avenue, more particularly described in the
said conveyance.
18. To deed dated January 20, 1941, from Mary L. C. Bow-
man to St. John's of Hamilton, of the property known as
3005 Gibbons Avenue, which deed is recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. 6119, folio 431.
19. To deed from Mary J. Marvel, widow, to Saint Francis
de Sales Church at Salisbury, Wicomico County, a body cor-
porate of the State of Maryland, its successors and assigns,
forever in fee simple, all that parcel of land situate in the City
of Salisbury, in Camden Election District, of Wicomico County
and State of Maryland, located on the Westerly side of Camden
Avenue, having a frontage thereon of 317 feet and a depth
of 400 feet and adjoining- the land of Salisbury Corporation,
Mary J. Marvel and Hunter R. Mann.
20. To the bequest of the rest and residue of the estate,
to The Academy of the Visitation, B. V. M., Mount de Sales,
in Baltimore County, for the Education of Young Ladies, as
contained in the Last Will and Testament of Caroline Myerly,
deceased, of record in "Wills", Liber J. H. B. 196, folio 395,
one of the record books in the office of the Register of Wills
of Baltimore City.
21. To the gift an bequest to Christian Temple, Inc., of
Baltimore, Maryland, a Maryland corporation, of the sum of
Seven Hundred and Forty-Three Dollars and Fifty-Eight
Cents ($743.58) contained in Paragraph Seven of the Last
Will and Testament of William A. Daugherty, late of Balti-
more City, Maryland, dated March 3, 1939, and recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in "Wills",
Liber 196, Folio 252, in which Paragraph Seven of said Will,
Christian Temple is named as one of Testator's three residuary