22. To bequest of $1,000 to the Church of the United
Brethren, Boonsboro, contained in will of William H. White,
recorded in Liber J. H. No. 1, folio 486.
23. To bequest of f 5,000 to the Vestry of St. Paul's Parish
in Baltimore County, contained in Will of Sidney B. Morison,
recorded in the office of Register of Wills of Baltimore City,
in Liber J. H. B. No. 199, folio 158.
24. To bequest of one-third of the residue of her estate to
the Methodist Preacher's Aid Society of Baltimore, contained
in Will of Sarah Adams Leighton, and recorded in Wills Book
No. 218, folio 531, Washington, D. C.
25. To Deed from Elizabeth Kiel to Francis A. Buschman,
Trustee, and the Trustees of the St. Mark's Evangelical Lu-
theran Church, dated August 4, 1915 and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2994
folio 473 etc.
26. To Deed from Elizabeth Class to Calvary Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Hamilton, Incorporated, dated May 21,
1940, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
County in Liber C. W. B. Jr., No. 1106 folio 36 etc.
27. To Deed from The Macht Company to Board of Dea-
coness Work of the United Lutheran Church in America, dated
July 15, 1940, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6057, folio 115.
28. To Deed from Mission Board of the Baltimore Congre-
gations Belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical
Conference of North America of Baltimore City, to St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Anne Arundel County, dated
October 19, 1939, and recorded among the Land Records of
Anne Arundel County in Liber J. H. H. No. 208, folio 423.
29. To the Deed from Frederick J. Singley, Trustee, to Ed-
ward T. Helfenstein, Bishop of the Diocese of Maryland of the
Protestant Episcopal Church, dated August 12th, 1940, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
M. L. P. 6066, folio 462, etc.
30. To Deed from Edward T. Helfenstein, Bishop of the
Diocese of Maryland of the Protestant Episcopal Church, et al.,
to Home of the All Saints Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore
City, dated November 27th, 1940, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6106,
folio 259 etc.
31. To Deed from Little Sisters of the Poor to St. Martin's
Day Nursery, dated December 7, 1938, and recorded among