Records of Baltimore City on June 7, 1939, conveying the
reversionary interest in property No. 3716 Brooklyn Ave-
nue, more particularly described in said deed; and also the
sanction and consent of the General Assembly to the hold-
ing and disposal of said property by The Church of the
Ascension and) Prince of Peace.
34. To the grant and deed executed by Herbert Kauf-
man and wife to The Church of the Ascension and Prince
of Peace, dated June 1, 1939 and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, conveying the reversionary in-
terest in property No. 3504 Woodland Avenue, more partic-
ularly described in said deed; and also the sanction and con-
sent of the General Assembly to the holding and disposal
of said property by The Church of the Ascension and Prince
of Peace.
35. To the grant and deed executed by William Corbin
Cummings and wife to The Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, dated Decem-
ber 16, 1940 and recorded among the Land Records of Bal-
timore City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6111, Folio 523, convey-
ing the reversionary interest in property No. 3818 Bonner
Road, more particularly described in said deed; and also the
sanction and consent of the General Assembly to the hold-
ing and disposal of said property by The Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland.
36. To the grant and deed executed by Howard R. Beal-
mear and wife to The Convention of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, dated December
20, 1940 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6114, Folio 8, conveying the re-
versionary interest in property No. 4118 Parkside Drive,
more particularly described in said deed; and also the sanc-
tion and consent of the General Assembly to the holding
and disposal of said property by The Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland.
37. To the grant and deed executed by Leonard Stulman,
unmarried, to The Church of the Ascension and Prince of
Peace, dated September 9, 1940 and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City on September 10, 1940, con-
veying the reversionary interest in property No. 5320 Belle-
ville Avenue, more particularly described in said deed; and
also the sanction and consent of the General Assembly to
the holding and disposal of said property by The Church of
the Ascension and Prince of Peace.
38. To the grant and deed executed by Bankers Realty
Company, Inc. to The Church of the Ascension and Prince