(f) To the bequest of $1, 000 to the Society for the Pro-
tection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children at the City
of Buffalo, now known as St. John's Protectory, Lackawanna,
New York, to be used for the purposes for which said So-
ciety is incorporated, or for any other purpose it may
hereafter be authorized to accomplish;
(g) To the bequest of $1, 000 to the Sacred Heart Union
at Arlington, New Jersey, now known as Hudson County
Catholic Protectory, Arlington, New Jersey, in payment of
perpetual membership fees in said Union for the Father
and Mother and the Sisters and a Brother of the Testatrix,
and the Testatrix;
(h) To the bequest of $350 to the Chaplain's Aid Associa-
tion at No. 580 Fifth Avenue, in the City of New York;
(i) To the bequest of $1, 000 to SS. Peter and Paul's
Roman Catholic Church, Cumberland, Maryland;
(j) To the bequest of $1, 000 to Reverend Father Mar-
cellus, O. M., Cap. of St. Mary's Monastery at Herman,
(k) To the bequest of $300 to St. Patrick's Catholic
Church, Cumberland, Maryland;
(1) To the bequest of $1, 000 to St. Fidelis Seminary at
Herman, Pennsylvania;
(m) To the bequest of all the sacred pictures of the
Testatrix to the Alpine Club of SS. Peter and Paul's Cath-
olic Church, Cumberland, Maryland;
(n) To the bequest of the proceeds of the sale of the
furniture of the Testatrix to SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic
Church, Cumberland, for Masses for the intention of the
98. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and
Testament of Martha A. Fringer, deceased, probated in
the Orphans' Court of Carroll County March 23rd, 1937,
and of record in the office of the Register of Wills for
Carroll County in Liber W. F. B. No. 14, folio 539, etc.,
as follows.
(a) To the Trustees of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland, the sum
of four hundred dollars ($400. 00) to be by them invested,
and the income arising therefrom to be used in keeping the
graves of Testatrix' parents, her husband, herself and her
daughter, and other parts of the cemetery of said church
in good repair.
(b) To the Trustees of Grace Reformed Church of Taney-
town, Carroll County, Maryland, the sum of two hundred
dollars ($200. 00), to be by them invested, and the income
arising therefrom to be used in keeping the graves of Testa-