a body corporate, for its corporate purpose, the sum of Two
Hundred Dollars ($200. 00)
(b) To the Children's Home of the Eastern Shore of
Maryland, a body corporate, for its corporate purposes, the
sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200. 00)
(c) To the Board of Foreign Missions, Methodist Epis-
copal Church, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3000. 00)
(d) To the Board of Home Missions of the Methodist
Episcopal Church the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500)
(e) To the First Baptist Church of Easton, Maryland,
the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500)
84. To the bequests contained in the Last Will and Tes-
tament of Elizabeth C. Covey, late of Talbot County, de-
ceased, said Will being duly recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills for Talbot County in Liber J. D. S. No.
24, folio 493, one of the Will Record Books of said Talbot
County, as follows:
9-(d) I give and bequeath to Calvary Methodist Protes-
tant Church at Easton, of the Maryland Conference, a body
corporate, at Easton, Maryland, the sum of One Thousand
($1, 000. 00) Dollars for its corporate purpose and use.
9-(e) I give and bequeath to Trinity Methodist Episcopal
Church South of Easton, a body corporate, of Easton, Mary-
land, the sum of One Thousand ($1, 000. 00) Dollars to be
held for its corporate purpose and use.
85. To bequest of $25 to the Church of the Brethren,
Fairview, Talbot County, contained in the Will of Henry
Drake, probated May 23, 1937 in the Orphans' Court for
Talbot County.
86. To bequest of $500 to the Episcopal Church of St.
Michaels, contained in Will of Frank D. Harrison, recorded
in Liber J. D. S. No. 24, folio 467, one of the record books
of the Register of Wills of Talbot County.
87. To conveyance from the President and Directors of
the General German and People's Home of Baltimore City
to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore, of
the tract of land on Maidens' Choice Lane bequeathed to
said Home by the last Will and Testament of Louise Hert-
lein, dated September 30, 1931, and recorded in the office
of the Register of Wills of Baltimore County and the deed
to said St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Balti-
more, being dated August 23, 1937 and recorded in C. W. B.
Liber 1021 folio 131, one of the land records of Baltimore