Elections of Frederick County and authorizing said Super-
visors to appoint an attorney and a clerk and fixing their
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 3 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1935 Supplement), title "Elections", sub-title
"Supervisors of Elections", as said section was amended by
Chapter 121 of the Acts of 1937, be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
3. Each supervisor of elections of Baltimore City shall
receive an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars and
each supervisor of elections of Baltimore County shall receive
an annual salary of one thousand dollars, payable by the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County, in such install-
ments as said County Commissioners shall elect and each
supervisor of elections of any of the other counties of this
State unless otherwise provided by law shall receive an annual
salary of one hundred dollars, which salary may, in counties
having more than fifteen polling places, be increased by the
County Commissioners, in their discretion, to an amount not
exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars. These salaries and
all other expenses incurred by them under this Article shall,
upon their requisition, be audited by the County Commission-
ers of their respective counties or by the Comptroller of Bal-
more City, as the case may be, who shall pay the same by
warrant drawn upon the proper officers of their county or of
said city. The members of the Board of Supervisors of Elec-
tions of Calvert County shall each receive an annual salary
of seventy-five ($75. 00) dollars. The Board of Supervisors of
Elections of Anne Arundel County shall receive an annual
salary of four hundred dollars ($400. 00) each, payable by the
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County in monthly
instalments and they shall not receive any other compensa-
tion, emolument, pay or recompense of any kind whatsoever,
for their services, including services rendered under Section
202 of this Article. The members of the Board of Supervisors
of Elections of Washington County shall receive an annual
salary of not less than three hundred dollars ($300. 00) each,
which salary may be increased by the County Commissioners
in their discretion. The said salaries shall be payable by the
County Commissioners of said county and the said Super-
visors shall not receive any other compensation, emolument,
pay or recompense of any kind whatsoever for their services
including services rendered under Section 202 of this Article,
The Board of Supervisors of Elections of Montgomery County
shall receive an annual salary of six hundred dollars ($600. 00)