boro, and to borrow a sum of money not to exceed Three
Thousand Dollars for the purpose of payment for said
real estate and the establishment of said proposed park
and to provide for the payment of said sum of money
borrowed; and to levy and collect annually taxes suffi-
cient to maintain said park and to enact ordinances regu-
lating the use thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Burgess and Council of Boonsboro,
Maryland, a corporation existing by virtue of an Act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, be and it is hereby
authorized and empowered to acquire by gift and by pur-
chase from Mary S. Shafer, at a price not to exceed the
sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00), two (2) parcels
of ground situated within the corporate limits of Boons-
boro and containing approximately eight and one-half
(8½) acres of land, more or less, to be used for the pur-
pose of establishing a public park to be known as "Shafer
Memorial Park"; and also to acquire by purchase at a
price not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars
($500. 00) a lot of ground fronting thirty (30) feet, more
or less, on North Main Street in Boonsboro and extending
back therefrom with that uniform width a distance of Two
Hundred and Sixty-four (264) feet, more or less, to the
land to be acquired for park purposes as aforesaid, and
to be used for building a street or entrance leading to said
proposed park.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Burgess
and Council of Boonsboro shall have the right and author-
ity to acquire the said parcels of ground mentioned and
described in Section 1 and all property rights therein from
the owners thereof, without submitting the matter of said
purchase to the qualified voters of Boonsboro, but the act
of the Burgess and Council of Boonsboro in the acquisition
of said parcels of ground shall be conclusive and final, and
upon the payment of the purchase money and the passage
of deeds or other proper legal instruments of conveyance,
title to said parcels of ground and property rights therein
shall vest in the Burgess and Council of Boonsboro as fully
and to the same extent as if the purchase had been ratified
by the vote of the qualified voters of Boonsboro.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Burgess
and Council of Boonsboro, in order to provide for the pay-
ment of the purchase price of the real estate described in
Section 1 and to establish and develop said proposed park,
is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow upon the