papers published in the City of Salisbury, and in one or more
newspapers published in the City of Baltimore, under the sup-
ervision of and at such times in such amounts as The Mayor
and Council of Salisbury shall order, but no bonds shall be
sold by sealed bids, except at prices approved by The Mayor
and Council of Salisbury. The said Clerk of Salisbury shall
deliver said bonds so sold to the purchaser or purchasers ther-
of, and receive the money therefor, including any premiums
thereon, and shall report tinder oath to The Mayor and Coun-
cil of Salisbury his proceedings in the premises as soon as
possible after said sale, with the name or names of the pur-
chasers to whom said bonds have been sold and delivered, to-
gether with the amount received on each bond so sold, and
said money, including said premiums, if any, shall be imme-
diately credited by the Clerk of Salisbury on his books to the
"Salisbury, Maryland, By-Pass Road and Public Utilities
Bonds of 1939-40", to be applied only for the purposes speci-
fied in this Act. Provided, however, that any balance of the
proceeds of said loan not required for the purposes hereinbe-
fore specified or any funds received from salvaging" any of the
property acquired for the said right-of-way shall be applied to
the sinking fund or for the redemption of said bonds.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and
Council of Salisbury shall annually levy upon all the assess-
able property liable to taxation in the City of Salisbury at the
regular tax levying period an amount sufficient to meet and
pay the interest on said bonds so issued and outstanding, and
to meet and pay the principal of said bonds as they shall
severally become due from time to time, which tax shall be
levied and collected, and shall have the same priority rights,
bear the same interest and penalties and in every respect be
treated the same as other city taxes now are. Said amount so
levied and collected shall be kept in a separate fund for the
payment of said interest and principal and for no other pur-
pose whatsoever.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1939.
Approved April 26, 1939.
(House Bill 457)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
406F of Article 2 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land (1930 Edition), title "Anne Arundel County", sub-title