And the said corporation may receive in trust and may
control for the purpose of such trust all monies or other prop-
erty which may have been or shall be bestowed upon such
corporation by will, deed or any other form of gift or con-
veyance, in trust, for any general purpose of education, or
for charitable purposes of any description, within the said
City of Salisbury.
And the said corporation may buy any property it may
deem necessary for any public or municipal purpose, and
may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any property belong-
ing to said corporation; provided that it shall not buy, sell
or dispose of any real estate of the value of Fifty Thousand
Dollars or over without first submitting the question of buying
or selling or disposing of said real estate to the voters of
said City of Salisbury at a general or special election of
which at least ten days' notice shall be given in the manner
provided for holding general elections in said City of Salis-
bury; provided, further, that no contract for the sale or pur-
chase, and no sale or purchase of any real estate, involving
a consideration of One Thousand Dollars, or more, shall be
made by the Mayor and Council of Salisbury except by ordi-
nance duly passed in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 272 of this Article.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1939.
Approved May 3? 1939.
(House Bill 394)
AN ACT to authorize and empower The Mayor and Council
of Salisbury to borrow upon the faith and credit of Salis-
bury a sum or sums of money not exceeding Fifty-Five
Thousand Dollars ($55, 000. 00) and to issue bonds for the
payment of the same and to use the proceeds thereof for
the purpose of paying the expense of acquisition and pur-
chase of rights-of-way and necessary land for the construc-
tion of the Salisbury By-Pass Road Northerly from East
Main Street, in the City of Salisbury, Maryland, for the
purpose of installing in or upon said right-of-way and the
approaches thereto water mains, sanitary sewers, storm
water drains, curbs, gutters and other public utilities, for
the purpose of improving the approaches from the existing
streets to the said right-of-way and for other expenses inci-
dental thereto, and to levy upon all assessable property in
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