226. The County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County
are hereby further authorized and empowered to purchase,
install, and maintain fire plugs in said area, additional to the
fire plugs now in said area, and to levy and collect special
taxes or assessments in said area to pay the cost of purchas-
ing, installing, and maintaining such additional fire plugs.
Provided that all sums raised by special tax or assessment
hereunder shall be used only to pay the cost of purchasing,
installing, and maintaining additional fire plugs in said area,
and shall not be used for any other purpose; and that any
sums so raised that are not expended for said purpose in the
year for which the tax or assessment is levied shall be applied
to the cost of the foregoing in ensuing years; and that the
County Commissioners shall not levy any tax or assessment
hereunder that does not seem necessary, in their discretion,
for the foregoing purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1939.
Approved May 3? 1939.
(House Bill 426)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 71
of Article 39 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1935
Supplement), title "Fish and Fisheries", sub-title "Non-
Tidal Waters", making it unlawful to take fish in certain
waters between the hours of 8. 00 P. M. and 5. 30 A. M.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 71 of Article 39 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1935 Supplement), title "Fish and Fisheries", sub-
title "Non-Tidal Waters", be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
71. Seasons. No person shall fish for or catch any game or
fresh water fish, as defined in Section 1 of this Article, except
at such times as provided for in this Section.
The open fishing season in the waters of this State, above
a point where the tide ebbs and flows, including ponds, lakes,
canals, and the Conowingo Pool, for the catching of fish
designated in this section, shall be as follows, viz: