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Session Laws, 1939
Volume 581, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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title "Talbot County, " sub-title "Oxford, " said new sec-
tions to be known as Sections 337A to 337D and to fol-
low immediately after Section 337 of said Article,
authorizing the Town Commissioners of Oxford to pro-
vide for certain street improvements and to levy special
assessments for said improvements and to make said
assessments liens against abutting property.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
That four new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 21 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Talbot County, " sub-title
"Oxford, " said new sections to be known as Sections 337 A
to 337D, to follow immediately after Section 337 of said
Article, and to read as follows:

337A. The Commissioners of Oxford are hereby
authorized and empowered to pave, curb and otherwise
improve the streets, alleys, highways and sidewalks of said
town, whenever by ordinance they shall so provide.

337B. The said Commissioners are hereby authorized
to levy a pro-rata front foot assessment against the abut-
ting property on the streets, alleys or highways improved
under the provisions of this Act for one-half of the cost of
said improvements, one-fourth of the whole cost of such
improvements to be assessed against abutting property on
one side of the street improved, and the remaining one-
fourth assessed against abutting property on the other
side of the street.

337C. One-half of the cost of paving the streets, alleys
and highways and of constructing curbs under this Act
shall be paid by the Commissioners and the remaining
one-half shall be assessed against the abutting property,
as provided in Section 337B, and the whole cost of con-
structing sidewalks under this Act shall be assessed against
the abutting property.

337D. The Commissioners shall provide by ordinance
for assessing against the property abutting on the streets,
alleys or highways improved, the portion of the cost of said
improvements to be charged against said property as here-
inbefore provided, and for the collection of the same by
the Town Clerk as other assessments are levied and col-
lected, and said assessment for said improvements shall
be a lien upon said abutting properties.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1939.

Approved April 26, 1939.


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Session Laws, 1939
Volume 581, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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