Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title, "Montgomery County, " sub-title,
"Rockville, " said section to be known as Section 791B, to
follow immediately after Section 791A of said Article and
to read as follows:
791B. The boundaries of the Town of Rockville are
hereby extended to include the following area, which is
added to said Town: beginning at a point on the West side
of the public road leading from Rockville to Great Falls,
said point being one of the original corners of the boun-
dary of the Town of Rockville, and which said point lies
at the end of the dividing line between the properties of
John Brewer of J. and Dexter M. Bullard, and running
thence in a straight line across the lands of the said
Dexter M. Bullard to a double maple tree at the end of the
first line of 'a conveyance to Porter N. and Emma Butt,,
which is recorded in Liber No. 634 at folio 467 of the Land
Records of Montgomery County, said point being also a
corner of the lands of J. Hampton Jones; thence with the
line between the lands of the said Porter N. and Emma
Butt and the said J. Hampton Jones N 47° 25' 50" E,
302. 66 feet to an iron pipe; thence still between the lands
of the said Porter N. and Emma Butt and the said J.
Hampton Jones N 5° 17' 20" W, 29941 feet to an iron pin
at the Southeast corner of the lands of Trugene Aud;
thence with the line between the lands of said J. Hampton
Jones and the lands of Trugene Aud and Henrietta Stone-
street N 76° W, 412. 5 feet; thence with the West line of
the lands of Henrietta Stonestreet N 3° 52' E, 418, 5 feet
to the South line of the road leading from Rockville to
Darnestown; thence with the South line of said road in a
Westerly direction to a point at which said line intersects
the extension of the dividing line between lots 11 and 12
in Block 3 of West End Park, as recorded in Plat Book A
at plat 42 of the Land Records of Montgomery County;
thence across said Darnestown road and with the dividing
line between lots 11 and 12 in said Block 3 of said West
End Park to the Northwest corner of said lot 11; thence
Easterly with the rear line of lots 11 to 4 inclusive of said
Block 3 to the Northeast corner of said lot 4 in Block 3
of said West End Park; thence Northerly in a straight
line to the Northwest corner of lot 2 in Block 15 of said
West End Park; thence in a straight line Easterly to the
Northeast corner of lot 2 in Block 14 of West End Park,
as the same is recorded in Plat Book A at plat 43 of the
Land Records of Montgomery County, said point being on
the Southwesterly line of Lynch Street; thence in a
straight line to a point lying on the original boundary of