Any system of roads, which it will be the intention of the
County Roads Board to turn over to the State Roads Com-
mission, shall have the specifications and design of said road
approved by the State Roads Commission before construction
is begun.
After the compilation of all the data heretofore mentioned,
the County Roads Engineer shall call a meeting of the County
Roads Board and a long-range plan for the construction of
county roads shall be presented and acted upon by said Board.
It shall then be the duty of the County Roads Engineer,
after such plan is approved by the County Roads Board, to
proceed to construct, insofar as funds are available, such
roads as are most needed, priority being given to roads having
the greatest traffic count.
127A. The said Engineer shall have authority to make such
repairs, reconstruction or emergency construction necessary to
remedy any serious defects in the existing system, although
the traffic survey and long-range road plan may not call for
such construction.
The County Roads Board is hereby authorized to buy such
equipment as is necessary for the construction of roads and to
buy and operate stone crushers for the manufacture of mate-
rials for road building.
The said Board is authorized to enter into an agreement
with abutting property owners along a road to construct roads
on a basis of the abutting property owner furnishing one-third
of the cost and the county two-thirds.
127B. The County Commissioners are hereby authorized to
borrow upon the faith of the County the sum of fifty thousand
dollars ($50, 000. 00) per year for the construction of roads and
shall include in the next year's levy a sufficient amount to re-
pay said loan.
All funds appropriated and designated for County road
purposes by either Federal, State or county governments shall
be paid to the County Treasurer, but are to be withdrawn only
upon presentation of vouchers duly authenticated by said
Board. The County Roads Engineer shall have authority to
issue vouchers for ordinary expenses, including salaries of
workmen and employees, providing said power is granted him
by the County Roads Board.
127C. The said Board shall have power to cooperate and
contract with agencies of Federal, State, county or local gov-
ernments for the construction or maintenance of roads under
its supervision. Said Board shall have the power to enter into
contracts with individuals, firms or corporations for the pur-
pose of carrying on the construction and maintenance of the