cation shall designate the kind of license desired. Before the
license is issued, the County Commissioners of Caroline Coun-
ty, acting as the said Board of License Commissioners, shall
satisfy themselves of the moral character and financial re-
sponsibility of the applicant, the appropriateness of the loca-
tion where such licensed business is to be conducted, taking
into consideration the number of licenses already issued, and
generally as to the applicant's fitness for the trust to be re-
posed. Each license shall designate the place of business of
the license. Each application for license shall contain:
First: The name and residence of the applicant, how long
he has resided in Caroline County, and the class of license
Second: The particular place for which a license is desired,
designating the same by street number if practicable, if not,
by such other apt description as definitely locates it.
Third: The name of the owner of the premises upon which
business licensed is to be carried on.
Fourth: A statement that the applicant applying for a li-
cense in his or her own behalf, or as a representative of a
firm, corporation or association is a citizen of the United
States and of the State of Maryland, and has been a resident
of Caroline County for not less than two (2) years imme-
diately preceding the date of the application; that he is not
less than twenty-one (21) years of age; and that such appli-
cant has never been convicted of a felony, nor adjudged guilty
of violating the laws governing the sale of intoxicating liquors
or for the prevention of gambling in the State of Maryland.
Fifth: That the applicant is not the owner of or licensee
named in any other license then in force, the intention of this
Act being that no individual, firm, corporation or association
shall carry on the business herein designated at more than
one location.
Sixth: That the applicant intends to carry on the business
authorized by the license for himself or for a firm, corpora-
tion or association and not as an agent of any other indi-
vidual, or anyone else, and that if licensed he will not carry
on such business as the agent of any other individual, or any-
one else.
Seventh: That the applicant intends to superintend in per-
son the management of the business licensed, and if so licensed
he will superintend in person the management of the business,
if the license is issued to a corporation or association the ap-
plication must specify the name of the individual who will
superintend or manage the said business.
Eighth: That the applicant will not sell any of the bever-
ages herein designated to any person under the age of twenty-
one (21) years.