Albert C Ritchie, Governor. 75
at large within the corporate limits, and to provide suitable
penalties; to lay a special tax or license on dogs, in the dis-
cretion of the board; to establish and regulate a lock-up for
the temporary confinement of violators of the laws and ordi-
nances of the town; to prohibit or restrain the keeping of bawdy
houses or houses of ill-fame within the limits of the corporation,
and to provide for the punishment of all persons who shall keep,
authorize or suffer to be kept, or knowingly rent for such pur-
poses, any such house or houses of ill-fame; to regulate and
provide for the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking,
peddling and transient vending of wares, merchandise of every
description (except by sample) within the town limits, except
all such articles of food and provisions, in the hands of the
producer, or articles in the hands of the manufacturer; to
regulate and/or license public dances and/or other amuse-
ments; for the issuing of licenses to all traveling persons who
dispense medicines or medical advice; and shall also have
power to demand license from all itinerant players and show-
men exhibiting within said town, but shall not accept tickets
to any such entertainments as payment therefor; shall also
have power to regulate, restrain or prohibit any theatrical or
other public exhibition on the streets or indoors within said
town, when the same shall be deemed demoralizing or other-
wise obnoxious or objectionable; to license saloons, breweries
and other places where malt, spirituous, vinous or fermented
liquors are sold; provided, that no greater sum than thirty
dollars be charged for any one license for any of the fore-
going objects.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1931.
Approved April 6, 1931.
AN ACT to add two new sections to Article 5 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Cal-
vert County, " sub-title "Circuit Court, " said new sections
to be known as Sections 72A and 72B, and to follow imme-
diately after Section 72 of said Article, providing for the
appointment, compensation and duties of the court reporter
for the Circuit Court for Calvert County.