thence running southerly with the dividing line between Lots
24 and 25 of said subdivision to the point of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That any citizen of the
United States who shall have resided within the corporate
limits of said town for at least three hundred and sixty-five
(365) days prior to any election and who shall be a registered
voter of Prince George's County, Maryland, shall be entitled
to vote at any election held in said town under the provisions
of this or any other Act requiring an election to be held in said
town for any town purpose whatsoever.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the government
of said town shall be vested in a board of five (5) commission-
ers, to be elected at large as hereinafter provided, each of
whom shall have the qualifications of a voter as set forth in
Section 3 of this Act, and who shall be assessed on the assess-
ment records of Prince George's County, Maryland, with
$500. 00 worth of real property located within the corporate
limits of said town.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That election for town
officers, except as hereinafter provided for the referendum and
the first election held hereunder, shall be held on the first
Tuesday in June at a place or places to be designated by the
Commissioners, at which election the polls shall remain open
from seven o'clock A. M. until seven o'clock P. M.
The election shall be conducted by three judges of election
and two clerks, to be appointed by the Commissioners of the said
town. At least five days before any election the said Commis-
sioners shall cause to be posted in three public places in said
town the notice of said election, designating the place or places
of voting, the hours the polls are open and the names of the
judges and clerks. In the event that any judge or clerk after
appointment is unable or declines to serve the remaining judges
shall name some one to take his place. Suitable ballot boxes,
polling places and printed ballots shall be provided by the said
Commissioners. Any person desiring to become a candidate
for any elective office shall, at least ten days before election
file, or cause to be filed with the Commissioners, the chairman
or clerk thereof, a petition stating that he or she is a candi-
date for the office, which petition must be signed by such per-
son and endorsed by at least (15) persons entitled to vote in
the next town election. Upon the filing of such petition the