560 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cxi. 201
boundary line between Silence subdivision and the Edward
Howard tract; thence southeasterly along said boundary line
to the east boundary line of the said Edward Howard tract;
thence northerly along said boundary line to Sheriff Road;
thence east along the south line of Sheriff Road to the center
of the Addison Chapel Road; thence southeasterly along the
center line of said Addison Chapel Road to a point that would
intersect the northerly line of the subdivision known as Water-
ford, if the northerly line of said Waterford subdivision was
extended to the center line of said Addison Chapel Road;
thence across said Addison Chapel Road and along the north-
erly boundary line of said Waterford subdivision to the west-
erly line of 63rd Street, and thence in a southerly direction
along the easterly line of Lot 47 in Waterford subdivision to
Chapel Avenue and continuing across Chapel Avenue m a
southerly line along the west line of Addison Chapel Ceme-
tery to the center line of Addison Chapel Road; thence east-
erly and running along the center line of Addison Chapel Road
to a point opposite the center line of an alley located easterly
and adjoining Lot 1 in Block K of the Fairmount Heights
subdivision; thence running across said Addison Chapel Road
to intersect the center line of said alley and with the center
line of said alley in a southerly direction to the southeast cor-
ner of the lot line of Lot 33 in Block K of the Fairmount
Heights subdivision, if extended, to the center of said alley;
thence running to the center line of an alley or street shown
on a plat dividing Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Block K
of said Fairmount Heights subdivision; thence running east-
erly with the center line of said alley to a point where the line
dividing Lots 38 and 39, in said subdivision, would intersect
said alley, if extended; thence across said alley and along the
dividing line between Lots 38 and 39 to the center of Noel
'Street; thence running in an easterly direction with the center
line of Noel Street to a point dividing the line between Lots
13 and 14, in Weisner's subdivision, if extended, to the center
line of Noel Street; thence southerly across said Noel Street
and with the said line dividing Lots 13 and 14, in said sub-
division to intersect the northerly boundary line of Lot 16 in
said subdivision; thence with said northerly boundary line of
said lot in a westerly direction to intersect the northeast corner
of Lot 30 in said subdivision; thence running southerly with
the easterly line of Lots 30, 29, 28 and 27 of said subdivision
to intersect the northeast corner of Lot 25 in said subdivision;