the necessary and incidental expenses of the Board of Com-
missioners in the performance of its public duties; and who
shall appoint a treasurer to receive and disburse said funds;
also directing the Board of County Commissioners of Prince
George's County to pay over to the said treasurer of the said
Town of Fairmount Heights for the purpose of improving,
maintaining and repairing roads, streets, lanes and alleys of
said Town, the money collected on account of the county
road and bridge tax in the same amount and manner as is
now required by law to be paid to incorporated towns in the
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the communities commonly
known as Fairmount Heights, North Fairmount Heights,
Bryn Mawr, Waterford, part of West Fairmount Heights,
part of Weisner's subdivision, part of Slocum's subdivision,
part of Silence subdivision, or such parts thereof and such
further territory as may be included in the metes and bounds
description hereinafter set forth in Section 2 of this Act, in
Prince George's County, Maryland, are hereby made a body
corporate by the name and style of Commissioners of Fair-
mount Heights, " and by that name may have perpetual suc-
cession, sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, purchase
and hold real, personal and mixed property, and sell and dis-
pose of the same for municipal purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That the boundaries of
said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the southeast cor-
ner of Lot 25 of Weisner's subdivision, in Fairmount Heights,,
Prince George's County, Maryland, said point of beginning
being where the dividing line between Lots 24 and 25 in said
subdivision intersects the northerly line of Eastern Avenue,
if extended; thence running in a northerly direction following
the District of Columbia boundary line and/or Eastern Ave-
nue as now laid out and proposed to the south line of Sheriff
road; thence easterly along the south line of She*iff Road to
the center line of Grove Street in the Silence subdivision;
thence south along the center line of said Grove Street to the
center line of St. Paul Street in said Silence subdivision;
thence following the center line of St. Paul Street to the
center line of Caroline Street in the same subdivision; thence
northeasterly with the center line of Caroline Street to the