sary for the proper performance of their official duties. No
ordinance or resolution shall be introduced until reduced to
writing and read aloud at the meetings and three affirmative
votes with the signatures of those voting in favor thereof shall
be affixed to the written ordinance or resolution before it shall
become effective. After the passage of any ordinance or reso-
lution it shall be recorded by the Town Clerk and Treasurer
in an Ordinance Book to be provided by the town. The
minutes of all meetings of the Mayor and Town Council shall
be entered in a Minute Book to be provided by the town, and
no money shall be expended by the Town Clerk and Treasurer,
pursuant to any ordinance, resolution, or order of. the Mayor
and Town Council until full and complete entry has been made
by him in the proper books of record.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That there shall be ap-
pointed by a majority vote of the Mayor and Town Council,
at their first regular meeting after each annual election, or as
soon thereafter as possible, a Town Clerk and Treasurer, a
Marshal and a Health Officer, who may, at the pleasure of
the majority of the Mayor and Town Council, be removed
from office and successors appointed, and who shall, in each
case, be qualified voters in the elections of said town, and shall
qualify by taking the same oath as the Mayor.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Town Clerk
and Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Mayor and
Town Council, shall keep the minutes thereof, shall keep the
ordinance book hereinbefore provided for, and shall submit
said minutes and said ordinance book to the inspection, in his
presence, of any citizen of said town. He shall keep the assess-
ment books, collect all taxes, and receive and pay out all
moneys belonging to said town. He shall keep an accurate
account of the receipts and disbursements of the Mayor and
Town Council of Cheverly and shall render monthly statements
to said Mayor and Town Council of such receipts and dis-
bursements and shall submit his accounts to them upon their
order for audit. Before said Town Clerk and Treasurer shall
enter upon the duties of his office, he shall execute and deliver
to the Mayor a bond, at the cost and expense% of the town,
payable to the Mayor and Town Council of Cheverly in such
penalty as the Mayor and Town Council by ordinance shall
fix, the sureties to be approved by the Mayor and Town Coun-
cil and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the