duties of his office. The said Town Clerk and Treasurer shall
receive such compensation as may be deemed proper by the
Mayor and Town Council of Cheverly.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted. That the Marshal
shall within the corporate limits of the town, have the same
power, proceed in the same manner and receive the same fees
as constables now receive in similar cases in which the State
of Maryland is a party. It shall be his duty to preserve the
peace and good order of the town.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted. That the Health
Officer, who shall be appointed with the approval of the State
Board of Health, shall make as frequent inspection as may be
necessary to maintain the public health and sanitary condition
of the town, and for this purpose he is vested with the same
authority as any health officer of the State within the corpo-
rate limits of the said town.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the roads, streets,
avenues, boulevards, alleys or parks, which now are or shall
hereafter be shown, on any plat or addition to the platted part
of said town, as public highways or parks, and accepted by the
Mayor and Town Council as such, are hereby made and de-
clared to be public streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys or parks
of said town, and shall be from time to time improved and
repaired as the public interest may require and the resources
of the town justify.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
County Commissioners of Prince George's County shall pay
or cause to be paid annually to the Mayor and Town Council
of Cheverly, three-fourths (%) of the full amount of the road
and bridge tax levied and collected each fiscal year from prop-
erty taxed for such purposes within the limits of the Corpora-
tion of the Mayor and Town Council of Cheverly. Any portion
of said three-fourths of said road and bridge tax collected by
said County Commissioners after the fiscal year for which the
same was levied, shall be accounted for and paid over to the
said Mayor and Town Council, from time to time, in the year
in which the same shall be collected. Said road and bridge
tax shall be refunded and paid for the fiscal year 1932 and
for each fiscal year thereafter. The money so received by the
said Mayor and Town Council shall be used by it for the